Garden Herbs, Edible Plants & Aussie Bush Tucker
There are few things more satisfying in life than to grow your own organic herbs & veggies. Imagine being able to feed your family & friends with healthy chemical free produce. Edible gardens are easy & give you freshly-picked, nutritious food readily available, without all those nasty chemicals. Herbs sometimes only need a sunny windowsill to get growing. Small space gardens, balcony or rooftops are great areas to grow your own food.... or if you have the space you can invest in some quality garden beds as we have a range of sizes,colours and shapes to choose from. Do it yourself or get our permaculture team in for hand or consultation.
Sustainable living is our speciality here at New Leaf Nursery.
Edible Plants
Depending on the season and availability our range includes Almond, Figs, Plums, Apples, Grapes, Pineapple, Apricots, Guavas, Pomegranate, Avocado, Ginko, Raspberry, Citrus Trees, Banana Trees, Asparagus, Hazelnut, Rosemary, Babaco, Kiwi Fruit, Rhubarb, Bay Tree, Logan Berry, Sapote, Blueberries, Mango, Strawberry, Blackberry, Nectarine, Sugar Cane, Cherry, Olive, Tea, Citrus, Peach, Wompi, Coffee Tree, Pear, Cardamon, Persimmon, Curry Tree & Passionfruit.
Garden Herbs
We have a generous supply of garden herbs on offer from seedlings to more mature plants, as well as garden beds (see products).
Australian Bush Tucker
If you would like to learn more about bush tucker, chat with one of our staff!
Bush tucker includes Finger Limes, Macadamia Nuts, Lilly Pillies, Lemon Myrtle, Native Plum, Native Spinach, Native Mint & Midyum Berry.